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Category 30 Example 1 - mental math

c/a = 3/4

Category 30 Example 2 - mental math, depending on comfort level

Sum of roots from equation = -9/2 = -4.5

Since one root is given as -5, the other root must be 0.5 (same as 1/2) for sum to equal -4.5.


Category 31 Example 1 - no calculation required

The y-intercept from the graph = 4 and a is negative since the parabola opens downwards. Eliminate answer choices that don't match this.

Category 31 Example 2 - mental math

Step 1: -b/2a can be calculated using mental math. Eliminate answer choices C and D that do not match the value of x.

Step 2: When x=-1 is plugged in the equation, 12x will be -12. This is greater than 6 + 4. Hence, y must be negative. This eliminates answer choice B.

Category 31 Example 3 Question 1 - mental math

Step 1: -b/2a can be calculated using mental math.

Step 2: Since the value of x is small, this step can be done using mental math.

Category 31 Example 3 Question 2 - may be mental math

-16t can be factored out simplifying the equation to t - 2 = 0 Hence, t = 2.


Category 32 Example 3 Question 1 - no calculation required

Vertex can be directly read from the graph. Since the parabola opens downwards a is negative. Match this to answer choices. Only one answer choice has the matching vertex and negative a.

Category 32 Example 3 Question 2 - no calculation required

Max growth = y-coordinate of vertex that can be read from the graph.


Category 33 Example 1 - mental math

Calculation of midpoint formula can be done using mental math: (6-2)/2 =2.

Since the value of x is small, the calculation for y can also be done by mental math: (-4)(4) = -16.


Category 34 Example 1 - mental math and shortcut. (There is no need for "complete the square" method.)

Step 1- mental math:

Eliminate answer choices that don't have a value matching the given equation.

Determine the x-coordinate of the vertex from the given equation as -b/2a. Match it to the x-coordinate of the vertex in answer choices.

In some questions, this may eliminate all 3 incorrect answer choices. If not, the remaining incorrect answer choices (usually 1 of the 2 remaining) may be eliminated using a shortcut as shown in Step 2.

Step 2 - may be shortcut and mental math depending on comfort level, otherwise use Step 2 shown in the book: It may seem confusing at first but try it to see that it is not. If a = 1, the correct answer choice may be apparent by eyeballing.

Pick one of the remaining answer choice. Square the value of h and multiply it by the value of a if a > 1. Add this number to the value of k. If it matches the value of c in the given equation it is the correct answer choice. If not, the remaining answer choice is the correct answer.

Tip: shortcut = (h squared x a) + k


Category 36 Example 2 - no calculation required

When the question gives a graph and the answer choices are in vertex form, the transformation of the vertex can be directly read from the graph and matched with answer choices.


Category 23 Example 1 - no calculation required

The values can be directly read from the table. The f(x) value for a certain value of x can be read from the corresponding f(x) column. The x value for a certain value of f(x) can be read from the corresponding x column.

Category 23 Example 2 - no calculation required

It can be observed from the graph that for x = -1, the value of y = 2. Count the number of times the graph intersects the x-axis at y = -2.


Category 24 Example 2 - no calculation required.

The value of g(4) can be read from the table as -6. The value of f(-6) can be read from the table as 12.


Category 25 Example 1 - no calculation required

The points where the graph passes through the x-axis or touches the x-axis can be directly read from the graph.

Tip: Passes through = 1 factor. Touches and curves back = 2 identical factors.

Category 25 Example 2 - no calculation required

Each factor is a distinct zero. Count them.

Category 25 Example 3 - no calculation required

From the x column read the values where h(x) = 0

Tip: y = 0 at x-intercept.


Category 15 Example 1 Question 1 - no calculation required

Total annual cost = annual membership + cost of p classes in a year = 25 + 20p

Category 15 Example 1 Question 2 - mental math

Cost of 5 classes is 20 x 5 = 100. Hence, total annual cost = 25 + 100 = 125

Category 15 Example 2 - mental math

Total books = existing books + 4 books per week for 7 weeks = 38 + 28 = 66


Category 16 Example 1 - no calculation required

Total earnings = h hours at $15 per hour + c cakes at $2.50 each = 15h + 2.5c


Category 17 Example 1 - no calculation required

The given equation can be interpreted as

total population in t years after 1998 = starting population in 1998 + average increase in population per year after 1998 for t years.

Hence, 130 is the average increase in population per year after 1998 for t years.

Category 17 Example 2 Question 1 - no calculation required

The given equation can be interpreted as

tusk size in m months after one year of birth = tusk size at one year + average increase in tusk size per month after one year of birth for m months.

Category 17 Example 2 Question 2 - no calculation required

For tusk size to increase by 1, 0.5583m must be equal to 1. Hence, m is the reciprocal of 0.5583 = 1/0.5583.


Category 18 Example 1 - no calculation required

Total bushes = x + y = 12

Total cost = cost of x bushes at $35 each + cost of y bushes at $55 each --> 520 = 35x + 55 y

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